
Why is acid alkaline balance in the human body important?


Acid-alkaline balance, also known as pH balance, is crucial for maintaining optimal health in the human body. Here's why it's important:

1. Homeostasis: The body works best when it maintains a stable internal environment, a process known as homeostasis. The acid-alkaline balance is one aspect of this delicate equilibrium. The body carefully regulates pH levels in various fluids and tissues to ensure proper function of enzymes, proteins, and other molecules essential for biological processes.

2. Cellular Function: Many cellular processes, including enzyme activity, protein synthesis, and nutrient transport, are pH-dependent. Even slight deviations from the optimal pH range can disrupt these processes, leading to cellular dysfunction and potentially causing health problems.

3. Bone Health: Imbalances in pH levels can affect bone health. When the body becomes too acidic, it may leach calcium from the bones to help neutralize the acidity, potentially leading to osteoporosis or other bone disorders over time.

4. Immune Function: The immune system functions optimally within a specific pH range. Maintaining the acid-alkaline balance supports the immune system's ability to identify and eliminate pathogens efficiently.

5. Digestive Health: Proper pH balance is essential for digestive health. The stomach, for example, needs to maintain an acidic environment to facilitate the breakdown of food and kill harmful bacteria. Meanwhile, the intestines require a more alkaline environment for nutrient absorption. Imbalances in pH can disrupt these processes and lead to digestive issues.

6. Energy Production: Cellular respiration, the process by which cells generate energy, relies on a balanced pH environment. Disruptions to pH levels can impair this process, leading to decreased energy production and overall fatigue.

7. Overall Health and Well-being: Maintaining an appropriate acid-alkaline balance is associated with overall health and well-being. It can help prevent chronic diseases, support proper organ function, and promote vitality and longevity.

To maintain the acid-alkaline balance, it's essential to consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other alkaline-forming foods, while moderating intake of acid-forming foods such as processed meats, refined sugars, and caffeine. Additionally, staying hydrated and managing stress levels can also contribute to a healthy pH balance in the body.

The therapeutic importance of pH balance:
Edgar Cayce.
One of many things I admired about Edgar Cayce and his health readings was his ability to recognize and utilize simple items available to everyone, items that would contain healing properties when used correctly. One of those items was the mouthwash Glyco-Thymoline. (Still available)
Who Was Edgar Cayce?:
His work:
Edgar Cayce, Glyco-Thymoline, and his emphasis on the benefits of maintaining acid-alkaline balance within the human body.
This approach may be helpful for several concerns, including acid/alkaline balance and inflammation. *See below.*
The therapeutic importance of pH balance:

The primary benefit—as given in approximately 76% of the readings referencing the product—is as an internal cleanser to help bring an over-acidified body back into proper pH balance.

According to a long-time A.R.E. health practitioner, its magic comes from Cayce’s knowledge that the pH balance of the body is crucial to good health and that Glyco-Thymoline is the next best thing, besides diet, to keep the correct balance.

For this application, Cayce recommended adding 2 drops of Glyco-Thymoline to half a glass of water and drinking it before going to bed at night. Depending on the degree of over-acidity to be corrected, Cayce recommended increasing the dosage to as many as 15 drops or until the distinct odor of Glyco-Thymoline is detected in the stool. 
Glyco-Thymoline for eyesight:
Information on Edgar Cayce and his approach to health:
Glyco Thymoline packageGlyco-Thymoline on Amazon:






2 oz glass eyedropper bottles on Amazon:
Several years ago, I was invited to teach at The Edgar Cayce Center in Virginia Beach, VA.
I was thrilled to accept. 

*Note:  Experimentation with internally administered Glyco-Thymoline is not recommended except under the supervision of a qualified medical doctor. One may become over-alkalized.